23 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

Should ile ilgili cümleler

Should ile ilgili cümleler

Should model verb'dir. Bir işin veya eylemin yapılmasını tavsiye etmek için kullanılır.
    You are very tired, you should have a holiday.
    Çok yorgunsun, tatile gitmeni tavsiye ederim.
    I have a cough, what should i do?
    Soğuk aldım, ne yapmalıyım?
    You should go to a course to learn English.
    İngilizce öğrenmek için kursa gitmeni tavsiye ederim.
    You are very tired, you should have a rest.
    Çok yorgunsun, dinlenmelisin.
    1 — You shouldn't speak loudly in the library.
    (Kitaplıkta yüksek sesle konuşmamanız gerekir.)
     I shouldn't eat so much .
    (Bu kadar çok yememem gerekir.)
    We should be careful when we cross streets.
    (Caddeleri geçerken dikkatli olmamız gerekir.)
    You shouldn't smoke so much, it is harmful to your health.
    (Bu kadar çok sigara içmeseniz iyi olacak; sağlığınıza zararlı.)
    You should study harder. (Daha çok çalışmalısın.)
    You shouldn’t spend so much moncy. (Bu kadar para harcamamalısın.)
    You shouldn’t sleep so late. (Bu kadar geç saate dek uyumamalısın.)
    You look tired. You should go to bed.
    *You broke her heart. You should apologise
    *My salary is very low. I should look for a better job.
    *Tekin’s room is not very interesting. He should put some pictures on the wall.
    *You are overweight. You should go on a diet.
    *I think the government should do something with the economy.
    *You should never speak to your mother like this.
    *I think you should try to speak to her.
    *My back hurts. I should go to a doctor.
    *Exam is tomorrow. You should study for it.
    *It is raining outside. You should take your umbrella.
    *It is getting cold. We should go home.
    *I will visit Onur today.
    It is a good idea. But you should phone him first.
    *We should return the video before the video rental store closes.
    *People with high cholesterol should eat low-fat foods.
    *You should focus more on your family and less on work.

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