28 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Yet - Just - Already Alıştırma

1.  I have _____________ eaten two pieces of that cake and I’m totally full.
2.  Have you sent your application _____________?
3.  I’m waiting for him, but I haven’t seen him _____________.
4. I have _____________ seen that film, and I don’t want to go to the cinema  again.
5. I haven’t been to Spain _____________.
6. I have _____________ received an e-mail, which I expected for 10 days.
7. If only she called 2 minutes earlier! Mary has _____________ gone out.
8. She hasn’t learnt to speak Japanese _____________ .
9. It’s 1 p.m. and my sister has _____________ gone to bed.
10. Have you finished writing your essay _____________ ?

11. I haven’t tried octopus _____________ .
12.Has Angelina found a boyfriend _____________ ?
13. It’s not too late. Come and join us, we have _____________ begun the game.
14. Have you told her about Tim’s wedding _____________ ?
15. Janet is unpacking in her room. She has _____________ come back from China.
16. I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten my breakfast _____________ .
17. The film started 15 minutes ago, but I have _____________ turned on the TV.
18. It was the day before her birthday but she has _____________ opened her presents.
19. Seth isn’t at home. He has _____________ gone to the corner shop.
20. We have _____________ visited this museum, and we don’t want to do it again.
21. I have not talked to Jamie _____________, but I’ll do it as soon as I see him.
22. We haven’t arrived _____________ . We have _____________ left the highway.
23. The man sitting at table 9 has not paid for his order _____________ .
24. I won’t give you a glass of coke. You haven’t finished the first one ___________ .
25. Yes, we have _____________ seen the news. The accident was terrible.
26. Watch out! I have _____________ cleaned the floor.
27. You don’t have to clean the floor, because I have _____________ cleaned it.
28. Although her boss fired her 2 days ago, she has _____________ found a new job.
29. Max hasn’t learnt to use the Internet _____________ .
30. The king’s limousine has _____________ arrived in front of the palace.
31. I can’t watch TV, because my father hasn’t repaired it _____________ .
32.  Has Tom had a shower _____________ ?
33. You are wet! Have you _____________ taken your shower?
34. Oh no! I’m late! My bus has _____________ left!
35. I have _____________ been in this club, and it’s boring.

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