2 Mart 2014 Pazar

İngilizce Hayali Bir İş Görüşmesi Ödev Örneği

Mr. Tunç : Good morning Sir. 

CEO : Good morning. Please sit down, Mr. Tunç . Well! I am Kerim Yalçın The CEO of this company. 

Mr. Tunç : So glad to meet you Sir. 

CEO : Good to meet you too. Your CV is very impressive. You have done well in your academics and have got through with flying colours! 

Mr. Tunç : Thank you very much Sir. 

CEO : Well! Bright students like you generally proceed to foreign universities for higher studies. How come you didn't opt for it? 

Mr. Tunç : First of all, my parents couldn't afford it. Secondly, I didn’t want to as I believe Turkish  institutions offer quality education and it depends on the students to make the best use of it. 

CEO : Well! You have done B.E. in Computer Engineering and have proceeded to do MBA and specialised in marketing instead of doing Masters in the same under graduation subject. Is there any particular reason for it? 

Mr. Tunç : Well! I felt a technical degree along with Master in marketing would help me move upwards in my career. 

CEO : That is good thinking! Certainly that's why you are here for this interview. We are looking for fresher with such an educational combination to take on as trainees. 

Mr. Tunç : Thank you very much Sir. Well! May I know how long the training will be? 

CEO : Training will be for six months. Initially it will be held in Ankara. Later, trainees will be shifted to the regional offices for on-the-job training for another six months. Afterwards they will be placed in anyone of the regional offices. 

Mr. Tunç : Is there any exam to be passed at the end of the training sir? 

CEO : No. No exam as such. But you will be assessed for your performance through the entire training period. 

Mr. Tunç : Sir, when will I get to know the result of this interview? 

CEO : Say, within two weeks. You see, we have scheduled a number of interviews for this week. You have a bright chance Mr. Tunç. Best of luck! 

Mr. Tunç : Thank you very much Sir. You're very kind. 

CEO : You're welcome!

İngilizce Performans Ödevi

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