Nowadays, increasing number of people are highly influenced by advertisements which is also act as a major deciding factor in order to purchase an item in the market. This widespread trend creates different opinion among different group of people. Some people believe that advertisements are significantly helping them to explore the market and to obtain necessary information about new products, while, others think that these advertisements merely causing them to spend more money lavishly without having actual necessity. In my personal view, in order to be knowledgeable on current products and various latest promotions, advertisements are largely beneficial.
First of all, in today's context, people don't have time to roam around the market to identify their best suitable product. In that case, advertisements can help people to aware of various brands available in market and enable them to distinguish their best suitable products in terms of quality and budget. Secondly, people can be constantly aware of the latest promotions which will help them plan their purchase to save money rather than spending regular price on different brands. For example, budget airlines especially Tiger Airways use to release many good offers like "Pay for One-Way and return for free" in flight fares, but for limited duration of booking period. Therefore, without advertisement people cannot utilize such highly beneficial deals.
Another supporting factor in favour of advertisement is knowledge about new innovations. Due to ever-growing technological improvements, electronic devices and home appliances have undergone major disruptions. Again, advertisement is the only fastest way to promote such new features among people and help them to lead a comfort living by using latest sophisticated appliances. For example, nowadays smartphones gains tremendous popularity among people, only because of advertising its significant features and its benefits.
In conclusion, advertisement is a significant thing which is useful for both producer and consumer by catalyzing the business and purchasing the good quality products in a better deal respectively.
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