1 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Bir Günü İngilizce Olarak Anlatma Performans Ödevi

My Day
As a student, I have a simple life. I get up early from bed and clean my parts of the body and brush my teeth with a brush.Then I have breakfast.
 I usually go to school with my good friends. On the way to school I like talking my friends.The classes begin at 10.30 A.M. Our class begins after after the National Anthem is sung.All our subjects like Social Studies, Science, Mathematics etc. In the classes we listen to the teachings of the teachers very carefully.
The school finishes at 4.30 P.M. in the afternoon and I get back home.I put my books and notes in the proper place I wash my hands and face.After eating , I g oto play. I play football,basketball and other games with my friends.
I return home at 6 P.M. and I do my homework.After doing homework, I read for about two and half hour.Because I like reading.
My dinner at 9.30 pm. After dinner i watch tv and I g oto bed at 10.00 pm
This is all about my daily life as a student.

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