26 Temmuz 2013 Cuma



(Be going to = Planlı gelecek Zaman) 

I am going to watch the film.
You are going to fall down.
He is going to come to the party.
She is going to play tennis.
It is going to rain.
We are going to swim.
You are going to call them.
They are going to work.
I am not going to watch the film.
You aren't going to fall down.
He isn't going to come to the party.
She isn't going to play tennis.
It isn't going to rain.
We aren't going to swim.
You aren't going to call them.
They aren't going to work.
Am I going to watch the film?
Are you going to invite them?
Is he going to come to the party?
Is she going to play tennis?
Is it going to rain?
Are we going to swim?
Are you going to support them?
Ane they going to work?
Aren't I going to watch the film?
Aren't you going to invite them?
Isn't he going to come to the party?
Isn't she going to play tennis?
Isn't it going to rain?
Aren't we going to swim?
Aren't you going to support them?
Aren't they going to work?

1. Önceden planladığımız işlerimizi ve niyetlerimizi Going to ile anlatırız.

I can't come with you. I am going to study for my exam.
They are going to visit us tonight.
We are going to play volleyball at the weekend.

2. Gördüğümüz bir işaret veya delile dayalı olarak bir şeyin kesin olacağını ifade etmek istediğimizde kullanırız. 

Look at the black clouds. It is going to rain.
Look at that girl! She is going to fall down.

Fill in the blanks with correct form of "BE GOING TO".
1- I ............ study English tonight.

2- They are going to ...... on Monday.

3- She ......... play volleyball at the weekend.

4- Look at the clouds! It ..............

5- He ...... a gift for his mother.

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