5 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

Used To -Alştırmaları

   1.   ________ you ______ to watch Scooby-Doo when you were 7?
 a) do / used             b) did / used
 c) did / use               d) do / use

2. Betty ___________ be ugly, but now she is beautiful.
           a) used to           b) didn’t used to
           c) is use to          d) use to 

3.  My sister and her friends _____ ______ to chat a lot last year.
      a) are / used         b) were / used
      c) is / used            d) were / use

4.  Volkan _____ to be in love with Selin.
       a) use           b) didn’t used
       c) do used    d) used

5. Jason: Did you _______ to write a diary when you were a child?
   Storm: Yes, I _______.
      a) use / didn’t        b) use / do    
      c) use / did             d) used / did

6.Chris _______ to eat fast food when he _____ at the university.
       a)  used / is              b) used / was
       c) use / was             d) use / were

7. ______ you _______ to cry a lot when you were a baby?
       a) Do / used             b) Did / use     
       c) Didn’t / used        d) Did / used

8. I ______ to play Hugo when I _____ 9.
       a) use / were          b) used / was              
       c) use / was           d) used / were

1c 2a 3b 4d 5c 6b 7b 8b

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