5 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

Used to - Alıştırmaları

Complete the sentences with use(d) to

1.    Anne is a vegetarian now. But she ………….…eat a lot of meat before.
2.    We came to live in London a few years ago. We……..live in Glasgow.
3.    I work very hard now. Before, I ……………… watch TV a lot, but I no longer do this.
4.    There ………….…was a theme park here but it closed a long time ago.
5.    She ………………….. have  a lot of friends but she doesn´t know many people now.
6.    He ………………be quite fat when he was young. But now he is slim.
7.    Did you ………….on the marry-go-round when you were a child?
8.    We ……………………go to the cinema every weekend but now we rent movies on DVD.
9.    Did he …………………walk to work? Or did he ……………go by car?
    10. They …………………..walk 3 miles every morning. But now they
          exercise at the gym.
    11. Did your mum …………… make you chocolate cakes for your birthday?
    12. I ……………………write a lot of letters to my friends. But now I send
           them e-mails.
    13. Where did you ……………….do your holidays when you were
           a child?
    14. James ……………live with his grandparents when he was young.
          But now he is married and lives with his wife.


1. Used to eat
2. Used to live
3. Used to watch
4. Used to be
5. Used to have
6. Used to be
7. Use to ride
8. Used to go
9. Use to walk / use to go
   10. Used to run
   11. Use to bake
   12. Used to write
   13. Use to spend
   14. Used to live

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